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  • Damien George's avatar
    cc3200/mods/pybi2c: Make machine.I2C constructor/init conform to HW API. · 8f205c2c
    Damien George authored
    This is a user-facing change to the cc3200's API, to make it conform to the
    new machine hardware API.  The changes are:
    - change I2C constructor to: I2C(id=0, *, freq=100000, scl=None, sda=None)
    - change I2C init to: init(*, freq, scl, sda)
    - removal of machine.I2C.MASTER constant
    - I2C str/repr no longer prints I2C.MASTER
    To update existing code it should be enough to just remove the I2C.MASTER
    constant from contructor/init for I2C.