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PL1 will no longer call sys.exit(1) on error, but raise exception instead (Python3)

Merged Imported Juan Font Alonso requested to merge Stubs_py_no_more_sys_exit_py3 into python3
+ 17
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+ 16
@@ -19,10 +19,8 @@
# generated code.
import os
import sys
import re
import copy
import traceback
import DV_Types # pylint: disable=import-error
from ctypes import (
cdll, c_void_p, c_ubyte, c_double, c_uint,
@@ -37,8 +35,7 @@ soFileNames = [
if filename.endswith("")
if len(soFileNames) != 1:
print("Failed to locate a single under", script_path)
raise Exception("Failed to locate a single under " + script_path)
JMP = cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(script_path, soFileNames[0]))
@@ -69,11 +66,8 @@ CreateInstanceOf_int.restype = c_void_p
DestroyInstanceOf_int = JMP.DestroyInstanceOf_int
def panicWithCallStack(msg):
"""Print the panic msg in color, report the call stack, and die"""
print("\n"+chr(27)+"[35m" + msg + chr(27) + "[0m\n", file=sys.stderr)
print("\nCall stack was:\n%s\n" % ("".join(traceback.format_stack()[:-1])), file=sys.stderr)
class AsnCoderError(Exception):
def CleanNameAsPythonWants(name):
@@ -85,7 +79,7 @@ Clean = CleanNameAsPythonWants
def myassert(b):
"""assert that shows the call stack when it fails"""
if not b:
panicWithCallStack("Assertion failed...")
raise AsnCoderError("Assertion failed...")
class DataStream(object):
@@ -232,7 +226,7 @@ An example for SetLength:
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name not in COMMON.allowed:
panicWithCallStack("You can only use .Set(XYZ) and .SetLength(XYZ) to assign values, don't use '='")
raise AsnCoderError("You can only use .Set(XYZ) and .SetLength(XYZ) to assign values, don't use '='")
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
@@ -245,8 +239,7 @@ An example for SetLength:
bridgeFuncName = Clean(self._nodeTypeName) + "_" + self._Caccessor + "_Get"+args.get("postfix", "")
if bridgeFuncName not in DV_Types.funcTypeLookup:
print("Function", bridgeFuncName, "not found in lookup - contact support.")
raise Exception("")
raise AsnCoderError("Function %s not found in lookup - contact support." % bridgeFuncName)
resType = DV_Types.funcTypeLookup[bridgeFuncName]
if resType.endswith('*'):
cTypesResultType = c_void_p
@@ -260,8 +253,7 @@ An example for SetLength:
'long': c_long
}.get(resType, None)
if cTypesResultType is None:
print("Result type of", resType, "is not yet supported in the Python mapper - contact support.")
raise Exception("")
raise AsnCoderError("Result type of %s not yet supported in the Python mapper - contact support." % resType)
bridgeFunc = getattr(JMP, bridgeFuncName)
bridgeFunc.restype = cTypesResultType
retVal = bridgeFunc(self._ptr, *self._params)
@@ -269,7 +261,7 @@ An example for SetLength:
oldAP = self._accessPath
if args.get("reset", True):
panicWithCallStack("The access path you used (%s) is not valid." % oldAP)
raise AsnCoderError("The access path you used (%s) is not valid." % oldAP)
if args.get("reset", True):
return retVal
@@ -291,10 +283,8 @@ An example for SetLength:
oldAP = self._accessPath
if args.get("reset", True):
"The access path you used (%s) or the value you tried to assign (%s) is not valid." %
(oldAP, str(value)))
raise AsnCoderError("The access path you used (%s) or the value you tried to assign (%s) is not valid. %s" %
(oldAP, str(value), str(e)))
if args.get("reset", True):
@@ -321,19 +311,20 @@ grep for the errorcode value inside ASN1SCC generated headers."""
EncodeFunc = getattr(JMP, EncodeFuncName)
success = EncodeFunc(self._ptr, bitstream._bs, self._pErr, True)
if not success:
"Error in %s, code:%d" % (
EncodeFuncName, COMMON.getErrCode(self._pErr)))
raise AsnCoderError("Error in %s, code: %d" % (EncodeFuncName,
def Decode(self, bitstream, bACN=False):
"""Returns (booleanSuccess, ASN1SCC iErrorCode)
grep for the errorcode value inside ASN1SCC generated headers."""
myassert(isinstance(bitstream, DataStream))
suffix = "_ACN_Decode" if bACN else "_Decode"
DecodeFunc = getattr(JMP, Clean(self._nodeTypeName) + suffix)
DecodeFuncName = Clean(self._nodeTypeName) + suffix
DecodeFunc = getattr(JMP, DecodeFuncName)
success = DecodeFunc(self._ptr, bitstream._bs, self._pErr)
if not success:
panicWithCallStack("Error in Decode, code:%d" % COMMON.getErrCode(self._pErr))
raise AsnCoderError("Error in %s, code: %d" % (DecodeFuncName,
def EncodeACN(self, bitstream):
self.Encode(bitstream, True)