👎 error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtcreator/libexec/asn1scc/asn1.exe: Command not found
Steps to reproduce:
- In the projects widget, right click on the ${PROJECT_NAME}.asn file and select Build from the context menu.
What happens:
- The following error is shown:
error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtcreator/libexec/asn1scc/asn1.exe: Command not found
What should happen:
- Error message should not be shown, unless there is a problem with the ASN.1 file
- [option] nothing - maybe the action should be hidden?
- [option] compile - but then, to what target (C, Ada, ICD,...) - maybe there should be multiple actions, or a dialog?
- [option] update the DataView (does this happen automatically?)
The compiler path found under Tools->Options->SpaceCreator->Compiler does not seem to affect this error. Should there be another path option?
Edited by Michal Kurowski