Explore projects
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TASTE / SpaceCreator
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
Meta-project including all git submodules necessary to make a taste installation
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This is the place to track issues and feature requests related to TASTE
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TASTE / buildsupport
OtherBuildsupport - Tool to generate function skeletons and glue code.
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ASN1 Value Editor - Code of the auto-generated GUIs and ASN.1 Standalone value editor
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Python library handling the specification and compilation of properties that have to be verified on a system. Uses opengeode API.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exceptionThe PolyORB-HI Middleware - C Version
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TASTE / Ocarina
GNU General Public License v3.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exceptionUpdated -
TASTE / uPython-mirror
MIT LicenseThis is a mirror of the Leon port that Damien George works on - will be used for automated nightly static analysis runs.
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This repository contains the tests executed to make sure existing functionality hasn't been broken by any changes.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exceptionThe PolyORB-HI middleware - Ada version